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INTUITION can help us make choices and decisions.
UNDERSTANDING & MANAGING THE ENERGETIC BODY helps us to stay healthy at the level of mind, body and spirit.
MEDITATION brings peace and calm to the mind, which then allows the body to heal and function properly.

Everyone has intuition. Everyone has an energy body. Everyone can meditate (yes, everyone!) Yet many of us have fallen away from connecting to these personal resources of information. We’ve become dependent on outside sources to determine what we should and should not do. Factual information is helpful and necessary, and in the end we all must make decisions for ourselves based on the information we have – which includes the information our own body and spirit gives us.

Join me for 1, 2 or all 3 of these workshops as we reestablish our connection to this innate wisdom that is within our reach with a bit of awareness, dedication and practice.

All times are listed in CST (Minnesota). Register below for individual workshops or contact me directly to buy the package of all three for $160.

Tuesday, Nov. 9, 6-8:30pm, $50


Discussion and practices around:

· What intuition is and where it comes from

· How to tell the difference between intuition and ego

· Different types of intuition and how you receive information

· How to develop your intuition with practice exercises

Monday, Nov. 15, 6-8:30pm, $50


Understanding and working with:

· What is your energy field

· Sensing, clearing, recharging and protecting your energy field

· Understanding what can affect your energetic field

· Energetic responsibility

Monday, Nov. 29, 6-8pm & Wednesday, Dec. 1, 6-8pm, $80


Descriptions and examples of:

· Mindfulness

· Daily Rituals as meditation

· Group meditation

· Using Mantra/Mala

· Guided Meditation